Not just a job

For the past 2 years I have been seeking employment. Not just a job but I wanted to work with someone that cared about the environment, easy to get along with, and where I could use my skills to help the company grow. I also wanted to utilize my knowledge and education to reduce waste either on my own or within the company I would work for.

November last year I was offered employment with a landscape architect/environmentalist. He is passionate about what he does.  He enjoys teaching his clients how to have a sustainable garden with drought tolerate plants and even edible gardens.  He also installs greywater systems and rain catchment.

I’m utilizing the skills and knowledge I have while learning about landscaping and plants. My boss is open to the idea of introducing his clients to zero waste and he wants to grow the business and hire more people. I’m excited to have this opportunity that fulfills so many of my desires, it gives meaning to my day when I can help someone else even if it might be in small ways at first.

It took time to find the right job, it took time for the right job to find me.

About harrisandyou

I am passionate about saving natural resources and I enjoy sharing information about the environment and hope that one day we will all work together to create a healthier planet. I am a Zero Waste Specialist and concerned individual. I look forward to reading your comments!
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2 Responses to Not just a job

  1. Congratulations! That sounds like a wonderful job.

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